QMS Italia representative agencies

Since 2012 QMS ITALIA and QMSCERT are constantly expanding.
We are present in the Balkan areas, the Middle East, Central Asia and former CIS countries and others.

Through a partnership agreement with numerous entities, QMS ITALIA is already present in: Albania / Kosovo, Ukraine, Lithuania and the Baltic countries, Iran, the Middle East and Brazil. Furthermore QMSCERT is also present in Romania, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Turkey with its own agencies.

Iran – QMS Airan Ins. - Mr. Farjaminia Behrooz

Lituania – UAB CONFIDENTIA - Mr. Zakabunin Oleg


Andrea Pinna 
Mail: atabaska@gmail.com

Kazakistan - International QS Azia Sertik - Mrs Agzhan Amirgozhayeva
